Thursday, October 22, 2009

Destroying desire.

The sensory organs, mind and intelligence-these three are the dwelling place of desire. Desire clouds wisdom using these three tools, and finally opens the road to self destruction.

When the desire first raises its head man wants to enjoy the world through his sensory organs. In the early stages there is scarcity of materials, later that scarcity is over but these materials are shortlived (as per nature’s law). That doesnot reasons with a man who is determined to enjoy—he strives for them and tries to get them at any cost, by any means.

Thus desire first lures the indriyas – the sensory organs, then together they trap mind. Then all of them cloud wisdom and intelligence. The pathway to fall is paved for a person who identifies his existence by his “body” his “physical being”. Because if he knew that “body” is not him, “soul” is, his true self would have shunned all desires at the first place.

In next few shlokas the path of destroying desire is shown.

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