Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Yagnya.. the homage

When works are done for any other purpose but performance of duty- addiction occurs, and man gets addicted. Hence one should perform without addiction with the sole purpose of performance of one’s duty.

This shloka of geeta says:

Performing one’s duty is performing worship (yagnya). Doing one’s job, business, teaching etc as a duty is also worship as per geeta.

Every thing which is done for the sake of others is called yagnya/worship as per geeta. The person who can perform only for others soon gets over addiction to results.

A sage should never perform for own pleasure, happiness, pride or glory. These are counted as addiction, Geeta doesnot forbids performance, it asks to shun performing with desire.

Performance of our duty with desire of own happiness, fame, prosperity or luxury binds us to life or karma or rebirth.

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